Wednesday 31 October 2007

Buttons has arrived

Hi everyone!!!
Now I´m here. It was really quite nice to be wrapped up and sent away. The Swedish customs got suspicious and probably thought that I was carrying something strange because they opened my package.

There is a autumn holiday right now so I have not met the students yet. The teachers are here working but the children will not be back until monday. Booooring!!! Anyway, I stay with Mrs Ulvelid and her family together with Whisky, the bull. The daughter in the family fell truly in love with me and Whisky was degraded to sleep in little brother´s bed. Till next time. Say hello to Måna and Svennis from me!

Wednesday 17 October 2007

Måna Larsson och Sven-Göran Eriksson is off to Dundee

Here they are! Måna and Svennis, a bit nervous about going so far away from home. But since they have each others company we are not worried. So we, in class 6B at Dala school, say: Have fun, take care of each other and tell us all about your adventures!!!
By the way: Måna is pronounced like the English version Mona. The swedish letter å(a with a small circle on top) is pronounced like "o" in "fore".

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Bear Adventures

The children in primary 7 are looking forward to their bear exchange with Mrs Ulvelid's class in Sweden. The children have sent their bear to Sweden and are looking forward to finding out about his adventures.